Why This Web Designer Switched to SquareSpace


As an experienced designer, I always seek out ways to provide greater value to my clients. That is why my business today is based solely on what I believe to be the best Content Management System on the market – Squarespace.

If you are wondering why I would choose to build a business on a platform that targets non-technical people to build-their-own-website, I’m sharing my top 10 reasons “why this web designer switched to Squarespace”.

  1. The same features that make Squarespace friendly to non-designers and non-technical people help me to design faster for my clients. That means that I can provide the same great design I always have, but at a lower overall cost.
  2. Did you know you can add code to customize Squarespace anyway you like? There is a whole set of developer tools ready to go for us designers and developers. We can design any style of site you would like. The sky is the limit.
  3. The templates are merely a shortcut. Think of it like a boiler plate to jumpstart a project. Every client website is one-of-a-kind. The templates can help speed the overall timeline up while also keeping costs down, but still remain entirely custom.
  4. Because design and hosting are combined (and at a great price point too!), my clients do not have to install frequent updates to fix software bugs and improve security. Unlike Wordpress, Squarespace updates its own software seamlessly. I can’t tell you how many Wordpress sites I’ve had to ‘fix’ over the years because of malware.
  5. My clients may never know when a bug or security risk is fixed, but that is also because they will likely never experience a problem. They can rest assured that their websites are secure.
  6. Squarespace provides solid, in-depth analytics within the platform so that my clients can learn more about how site visitors engage with their site.
  7. All the tools have been tested, extensively. I know with confidence that my clients’ websites will work and continue to work reliably.
  8. Support from Squarespace is exceptional, both from Squarespace itself and its user community. There are a team of Engineers who monitor SquareSpace daily. They also have a team dedicated to general customer support.
  9. While I am here to support my clients with ongoing updates and maintenance, many clients are perfectly comfortable making their own edits, posting blog articles and more within their completed site. Basic posting and editing features in Squarespace are simple and the interface is not intimidating. In short, SquareSpace is easy to use.
  10. Many people come to me asking about Wordpress and its popularity.  It’s a decent platform but it’s not for everyone. I often refer to it as the Toyota Corolla of the Content Management World. SquareSpace is like the BMW. It’s built with design in mind and more powerful than your average automobile.  

My clients represent a diversity of small businesses around the world. None of them are web designers!  Squarespace may be intuitive, but it still takes a professional to create a website experience that effectively combines design, functionality, branding, and messaging at the level my clients expect.

As a designer and a small business owner, I understand the importance of the service I provide. By creating a website using Squarespace, I am delivering more than a website. It is a long-term, cost effective, low-maintenance, and secure web strategy.